Dalmuir Park Housing Association Dalmuir Park Housing Association

An open letter from Kevin Stewart, Minister for Local Government, Housing and Planning to social housing tenants in Scotland is here 

A statement from our Chairperson, Gordon Laurie, is available here.


WE CAN ONLY CARRY OUT EMERGENCY REPAIRS AT THIS TIME.  Other repair requests will be logged and actioned as soon as it is safe for contractors to start work again. Please call the office number during the day and the out of hours number at night if required.


Planned gas safety checks are currently being undertaken.

If this is not suitable for you please let us know by phoning the office or advising the contractor.


Our stair cleaning contractors will continue to work. They are working on a Tuesday and Thursday focusing on touch points e.g. door handles and locks, door entry panels, banisters, bin lids and they will continue to put out your bins as required. Full stair cleaning is not being undertaken at this time.

We understand how concerned people are about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic – particularly those who face losing their job. These are very challenging times for us all. If you are worried about your rent or your income please click HERE for more information.

If you are aware of a vulnerable neighbour who you are concerned about please notify the Association by phone or e-mail.