About Us
DPHA was formed in 1977 and registered as a housing association in 1978 in response to the “sub-tolerable” living conditions for the 900 or so tenement residents in Dalmuir. The prospect of improvement through demolition or improvement had become more realistic with the designation of an Action Area in Dalmuir by Clydebank District Council in 1977. A small group of committed residents set the Association on its way to fully improving all houses in the Action Area by 1989.
We operate in the Dalmuir area of West Dunbartonshire where we currently own and manage 690 homes. This includes 14 shared ownership properties and 70 units located across 2 sheltered housing complexes. We are also a registered property factor and provide factoring services to 158 owners, of which 14 are sharing owners and to 39 commercial units.
DPHA is registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014, a Scottish Registered Charity and registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). We have been in existence since 1978 as a Registered Social Landlord (RSL) with the Scottish Housing Regulator.
We are registered with the Care Inspectorate for the provision of support to tenants in our 2 Sheltered Housing Complexes and pre and post school support for up to 70 children per day from our 3 local schools via our Dalmuir Out of School Care Group (DOSCG) project.
DPHA is managed by a Board of Management made up of professionals, tenants and residents.
Scottish Charity No. SC0 33471
Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 Reg No. 1917 R(S)
Scottish Housing Regulator No. HAL 98
Scottish Property Factor No. PF000397