Key Performance Targets
We want to continue to improve the performance that we currently achieve against the performance indicators of the Annual Return of the Charter (ARC). Our aim is to be a well performing RSL, recognised for excellence. We aim to achieve our Key Performance Targets in 2019/20 set out in Appendix 5 of our Business Plan 2018 – 2021 to drive this level of high performance, continuous improvement and excellent customer service.
Tenant Satisfaction Surveys
We carry out regular tenant satisfaction surveys which include specific questions relating to our performance against the ARC. These surveys include feedback from tenants about their experience of the range of services that we provide on the quality of work carried out and the courtesy of tradespeople. These are carried out every quarter and this information is reported to the Committee quarterly and published in our Annual Performance Report.
DPHA are required to compare our performance with that of other landlords and therefore we use HouseMark for this purpose.
Performance on complaints we have received is reported to our Management Committee quarterly and reported in our newsletters and Annual Performance Report.
Customer Service Standards
Our new Customer Services Standards will further enhance our commitment towards satisfying our customers’ needs and will set the standards we will use to measure our performance in this area.
Further information on our regulatory performance can be found here
Tenants Meetings
We currently have two informal tenants’ panel groups that we consult about specific matters relating to service delivery and performance. The dates of next meetings are noted below:
Dates coming soon